How to Concatenate

Concatenation in SQL Server is done by using the plus (+) operator.  Let’s setup a table and look at an example by concatenating customer’s first names and last names:
[cc lang=”sql”]
— Create Customers table
FirstName varchar(50),
LastName varchar(50)

INSERT INTO #Customers
SELECT ‘Vincent’, ‘Vega’
SELECT ‘Marsellus’, ‘Wallace’

— Concatenate FirstName and LastName
SELECT FirstName + LastName
FROM #Customers

Now when we run the output we will see something interesting. When we try to concatenate a null value with a string, we are returned with a NULL value. This shows the important need to use the ISNULL function when concatenating values.

sql concatenate strings

Let’s use the ISNULL function now to replace the NULL with an empty string:

[cc lang=”sql”]
SELECT ISNULL(FirstName, ”) + ISNULL(LastName, ”)
FROM #Customers

Now we see that the we are returned with a string rather than a NULL.

One comment
Thiru 29 Aug 2015 at 6:53 am

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