Compare Stored Procedure Output by Creating a Test Harness

When optimizing procedures often times you need to rewrite the procedure in order to speed it up. However, when you’re finished how can you be sure that the result set is still the same? This article will show you how to run a thorough test to make sure. We’ll execute the old and new stored procedure then compare their result sets by using a checksum aggregate. We’ll also compare rowcounts and elapsed execution time. The benefit of this test harness is that it will allow you to loop through and execute the procedures with as many dynamic parameter values as you wish, then compare the result set of the old procedure vs the new procedure for each execution.

First, we need to do a couple things to set up our environment.

  1. Setup a local linked server
  2. Create a wrapper procedure

We need the local linked server in order to dynamically retrieve the result set of the stored procedure using OPENQUERY. We could skip this step and create the temp table explicitly if we knew all the columns and data types being returned, but sometimes this is a hassle because there could be many columns that are returned and explicitly creating a temp table for each procedure we wanted to test is a pain. And that’s probably why you’re here in the first place isn’t it?

So to create a local linked server, do the following:

[cc lang=”sql”]
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver

For this example, the server name must be LOCALSERVER

Next, we need to create a wrapper procedure that will take in the stored procedure along with dynamically passed parameters, and predefined temp table name, in order to populate the temp table. The reason we need this wrapper is because the OPENQUERY command does not allow concatenated strings, thus we need to use dynamic SQL to build and execute the openquery command within the wrapper procedure. To build the wrapper proc, execute the following code.

[cc lang=”sql”]
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_to_table]
@temp_table_name nvarchar(100)
,@sp_and_parameters nvarchar(max)
,@elapsed_ms int OUTPUT
,@row_count int OUTPUT

DECLARE @Driver nvarchar(20);
DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(max);
DECLARE @RowsetSQL nvarchar(max);
DECLARE @now datetime;
DECLARE @local_server_name varchar(100) = ‘LOCALSERVER’;

SET @RowsetSQL = ”” +’SET FMTONLY OFF ‘ + ” + @sp_and_parameters + ” + ””;

SET @SQL = ‘INSERT INTO #’ + @temp_table_name + ‘ SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(‘ + @local_server_name;

SET @SQL = @SQL + ‘,’ + @RowsetSQL + ‘)’;

SET @now = GETDATE();


SET @row_count = @@ROWCOUNT;

SET @elapsed_ms = DATEDIFF(ms, @now, GETDATE());

Ok, so now that we have the requirements done, let’s go through a simple example of it’s use, then we’ll look at a more complete example.

Simple Example

[cc lang=”sql”]
— Create shell of temp table
INTO #holding_table
,’set fmtonly off exec your_db.dbo.spr_your_procedure 1′ — hard code proc and any params

— form procedure execution and parameters into a string
SET @sp_with_params = ‘exec your_db.dbo.spr_your_procedure ‘
+ CAST(@employee_id AS VARCHAR(50));

— pass in temp table name and procedure string
EXEC proc_to_table ‘holdingtable’
,@elapsed_ms OUTPUT
,@row_count OUTPUT;

— Display
FROM #holding_table;

You won’t see the benefit from this simple example until we actually loop it, however this is the crux of the work. Now let’s look at a more functional example.
This example will retrieve a specified number of parameters, then loop through and test the old and new procedure with this parameter. You can just as well have multiple parameters also.

Complete Example

[cc lang=”sql”]
DECLARE @rows int = 1000; — number of records to test

–drop table if exists
IF OBJECT_ID(‘tempdb..#employee_ids’) IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #employee_ids

— retrieve the parameters we want to pass to the procedures
SELECT TOP (@rows)
,rownum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY e.employee_id DESC)
INTO #employee_ids
FROM dbo.employee e
WHERE e.employee_type_id IN (1,2,3)

DECLARE @employee_id int;
DECLARE @sp_with_params varchar(max)
DECLARE @elapsed_ms int;
DECLARE @row_count int;
DECLARE @chksum int;
DECLARE @chksum_old int;
DECLARE @iter int = (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM #employee_ids);

WHILE @iter >= 1

* first procedure run
–drop table
IF OBJECT_ID(‘tempdb..#holdingtable’) IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #holdingtable

— select one of the parameters to test with
SET @employee_id = (SELECT employee_id FROM #employee_ids WHERE rownum = @iter);

— create empty temp table
INTO #holdingtable
FROM OPENQUERY(LOCALSERVER,’set fmtonly off exec yourdb.dbo.spr_your_procedure 1′);

— set the parameters of the procedure
SET @sp_with_params = ‘exec yourdb.dbo.spr_your_procedure ‘ + CAST(@employee_id AS VARCHAR(50))

— execute the procedure
exec proc_to_table ‘holdingtable’, @sp_with_params, @elapsed_ms OUTPUT, @row_count OUTPUT

— calculate checksum for entire table
FROM #holdingtable

— insert results
INSERT INTO tbl_test_spr_your_procedure

* second procedure run
IF OBJECT_ID(‘tempdb..#holdingtable2′) IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #holdingtable2

— create temp table
INTO #holdingtable2
FROM OPENQUERY(LOCALSERVER,’set fmtonly off exec yourdb.dbo.spr_your_procedure 1’);

— set the parameters of the procedure
SET @sp_with_params = ‘exec yourdb.dbo.spr_your_procedure ‘ + CAST(@employee_id AS VARCHAR(50))

— execute the procedure
exec proc_to_table ‘holdingtable2’, @sp_with_params, @elapsed_ms OUTPUT, @row_count OUTPUT

— calculate checksum for entire table
FROM #holdingtable2

— update results
UPDATE tbl_test_spr_your_procedure
old_elapsed_ms = @elapsed_ms,
old_chksum = @chksum_old,
old_rowcount = @row_count
WHERE ID = @iter

SET @iter -= 1;


* compare the results
FROM tbl_test_spr_your_procedure
new_chksum != old_chksum
new_rowcount != old_rowcount

SELECT AVG(new_elapsed_ms), AVG(old_elapsed_ms)
FROM tbl_test_spr_your_procedure

That’s it! I’m sure this code can also be extended to be more generic, if you have any other ideas or enhancements please comment about them below.

Anandan Kanagarajan 29 Aug 2014 at 9:01 am


Really a useful tool in order to validate whether the business logic is retrained or not changed upon optimization.

I ended reading this blog based on my search as I am looking for a tool which records the stored procedures execution statistics like execution timing, execution cost, cpu usage, disk io usage.

This statistics are required to compare a Stored Procedures execution Before and After Optimization in order to justify / show record the improvements.

If you are able to write about it will be really good. Thanks in advance.

Note :
I am a regular reader of your blog. sp_who3 is a great tool, I was using from your blog. Honestly speaking now, I am using sp_whoisactive just for the sake of convenience.

I get great insight about statistics from your blog. I am regularly using your queries to identify top 50 CPU, Disk IO, Memory usages.

Doug 25 Jun 2014 at 8:04 pm

I’ve nothing to add except ‘thanks!’
Conveys good ideas for comparing procedures

Derek Dieter 08 Jul 2014 at 4:03 pm

Thanks Doug, I’ve always wondered if anyone read this article 🙂

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